What is TESOL:
TESOL Training and exam schedules?
What does TESOL training fee includes?
TESOL for Children
TESOL Advanced
TESOL for Business
TESOL for Experts
These are independent courses. Students can choose based on their needs. Those with higher aspirations can take multiple courses. The International Expert course includes Children's, Advanced, and Business English. Completing all three with passing grades earns either three separate certificates or one International Expert certificate.
"American TESOL China Headquarters Guangzhou Center" is the officially designated center by the American TESOL Institute. It handles student consultation, training, certification exams, job placement, and promotional activities in various regions.
Each TESOL course lasts 5 days, with exams and a demo lesson on the fifth day. About 20 working days after exams, the American TESOL issues certificates to the TESOL in Beijing, and students are notified to collect them. Students can verify their certificates on the official website.
We strictly follows TESOL China's pricing system, charging a one-time fee. This fee includes registration, in-person training, exams, international certification, and materials.
TESOL证书含金量Source:TESOL in ChinaLink:http://www.tefltesol.com.cn 拿到TESOL证书与国内的英语教师证书有何不同?含金量有多高? TESOL证书种类: 国际少儿英语教师认证 国际高级英语教师认证 国际商务英语教师认证 国际专家英语教师认证 这几种证书是相互独立的课程,学员可以根据实际情况进行选择。对自身要求较高的学员可以学习多种课程。国际专家英语教师资格课程里面包括了:少儿、高级、商务,学员学习完以上三门课程成绩合格,可以获得三个证书或一个国际专家英语教师证书。 TESOL证书由TESOL协会机构(大学院校)认证并颁发,是全球公认的ESL(教授英语为第二语言)教师职业资格证书,其技术水准代表了英语教学技能的国际标准。 TESOL证书在国内外都是被承认的,拥有TESOL证书,等与获得一张教育资格绿卡。相比之下,国内的证书只有在国内才能使用。 TESOL有效性和权威性在世界范围内得到充分认可,拥有TESOL即有了在世界各国从事以英语为第二语言教学的资格。 TESOL拥有者在各国英语教育领域受到广泛欢迎,能够直接进入国际职业市场,就业前景非常广阔。 TESOL:Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 一、 全球通用 国际认可 权威有效 1、TESOL始创于1966年,获美国教育委员会资质认可,是世界上英语教育领域最权威的证书! 2、在全球100多个国家,7000多所高校权威认可。持有TESOL高级证书的学员可以在美国读TESOL专业可抵挡学分。 3、实现出国、留学、移民的一臂之力。 二、高尚职业 高薪就业 1、TESOL高级证书获得国家人力资源和社会保障部资质认可! 2、高薪就业最佳选择,进入优秀教育机构。 3、与一线高校建立了广泛的合作关系。 TESOL高级的核心价值: TESOL证书:完全符合联合国教科文组织制定的国际英语教学标准。 TESOL证书:全面提升你的英语能力,与国际接轨。 TESOL证书:是全球通用的世界级英语教学职业证书。 TESOL证书:是国际公认的英语教师资格“通行绿卡”。 TESOL证书:是外籍教师申请外国专家证书必须具备的资格证书。 TESOL证书:获得中华人民共和国外国专家局外国教育专家机构审批。 TESOL证书:助你高薪就业,实现提升职业生涯高度的梦想。 |