有学员这样和我们说,拥有国际英语教师资格证让她腰板更直,更有自信,以前作为一名普通英语老师,经常因为评职称要写多篇论文,苦不堪言。持有TESOL证书后,她换了一份工作,摇身一变,成了一名国际英语老师,工作顺利,心情舒畅,原来的同事也很羡慕她,纷纷前来讨教。她毫不犹豫地向同事们推荐了泰孚国际教育。现如今TESOL证书是一种身份与学识的象征,持有TESOL证书在国外读TESOL专业可抵挡学分。 拥有TESOL证书也是面对外企招聘的重要砝码,70%在跨国英语教育机构要英语教师必须通过TESOL考试。90%的国内前一百强英语教育机构要求英语教学人员持有TESOL证书。
Chang Shulian
It's my pleasure to take part in this training. I've learned so much here. Alex is professional and humorous. Through this training, i think there are so many things that i need to learn. I'll keep learning teaching skill.
I really enjoyed being an ESL teacher. The pay is good, the hours are low, and it's a great way to experience a different culture.Progression isn't as easy to achieve, it's fairly limited opportunities so unless you plan on teaching full-time it's unlikely you'll become a manager or senior member of staff.
It is an adventure to teach in another country and culture. We have met many people and made some wonderful friends. We have learned about China in a way that you couldn’t without actually living there. We have seen a lot of the country and we have been able to meet and teach many beautiful children. And there are jobs there with adequate pay, which is also helpful”. I had a great time with TESOL in China.
I would certainly recommend the TESOL course. The materials is excellent and i learned a lot from this course. Thank you for your help during the course. The TESOL course is very englightful、active、energetic and helped me greatly in improving both my English ability and my teaching knowledge. The games part is very impressive and can let the learners be more engaged in the course.
Clear explaination and well organization of the lesson structure provides a lot of valuable information to the learners.
Full of fun and energy. Never make students feel bored. Extanding the training duration. have training course in other cities. I strongly recommond this TESOL course to others who want to be English teachers.